Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced the 2024-25 theme, The Magic of Rotary, at the International Assembly on 8 January. The assembly is Rotary’s annual learning event for incoming governors and leaders. Urchick, a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA, called on members to use the magic of Rotary to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives. She also called on them to make their Rotary clubs “simply irresistible.”
Our club also held elections for the 2024-25 year this past Friday. The new year will begin on July 1. Your club officers and directors for the upcoming year are:
President: Nick Adams
President-Elect: Jim Ingraham
Secretary: Heather Exby
Treasurer: Charlene Revoir
Sergeant at Arms: PJ Jaycox
Immediate Past President: John Wells
Foundation President: Ken Robinson
Board Member: Pat Peel
Board Member: Brad Plantz
Board Member: Deb Wilde
Foundation to serve through 7/01/2024
Kenneth A Robinson President
Charlene Revoir Treasurer
Patrick Fitzgerald Secretary
Board Members to 7/01/24 Board Members to 7/01/25
Jim Ingraham Charlene Revoir
Debbie Wilde Peter Jaycox
Savannah Kelley Patrick Fitzgerald
Board Members to 7/01/26
Kenneth Robinson
Nick Adams